Essential Traditions/Real Food Real Frugal

The archives for the old Essential Traditions blog and the old Real Food Real Frugal Blog

Gluten Free Chocolate Cookies

I’ve been on a bit of a quest to find the perfect gluten free cookie. I just may have discovered it! As you know, I’ve been playing around with rice flour of late. I use fresh ground rice that I grind in our WhisperMill grain grinder. I have to say, I’m STILL in love with my WhisperMill! It grinds everything so effortlessly and it’s really not near as loud as other grain mills I’ve tried.

As you know, I’ve been experimenting with rice flour quite a lot.  Mostly because I can get rice so much cheaper than most other grains and I can get it locally.  This saves me time and money.  Granted, I had to learn a few tricks along the way, but that’s how it is with all new things.  Anyway, back to the cookies 🙂

My kids have been really bugging me for some chocolate cookies.  So I began playing around in the kitchen to see what I could come up with.  I’ve been craving chocolate, so I decided that I’d try my hand at developing a gluten free chocolate cookie.  I wanted a cookie that would be firm on the outside and soft and moist on the inside.  Something not too crumbly.  I experimented until I got the recipe just right and I think I have now developed one of the most YUMMY gluten free cookies I’ve ever tasted.  My kids agree, so it must be so!  (GRIN!)

Below is the recipe, but before that, here is a photo to get your taste buds begging for them!

[gmc_recipe 10937]

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Grain Mill Wagon #3 – Rustic Cornbread

This is a nice old-fashioned cornbread. It’s dense and has no sweetening, which is what my family prefers. It’s a simple recipe that uses few ingredients, which makes it cost effective and most of the ingredients may already be in your cupboard or refrigerator. It puts me in mind of the cornbread my grandmother use to make.

I use popcorn that I grind in our Wondermill grain grinder. I just love fresh ground flours! Using the fresh ground corn meal in this recipe REALLY makes it pop. It’s so fresh tasting that my family just gobbles it up as fast as I can make it.

The popcorn ground up great and the Wondermill made just a find flour that I absolutely adore!

Here is the recipe, it’s such a quick and easy cornbread and really doesn’t require much in the way of ingredients.  I nearly always have what I need on hand!

Rustic Cornbread


  • 3 cups buttermilk (cultured)
  • 3 cups cornmeal (fresh ground)
  • 3 teaspoons real salt
  • 1-1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 3 large eggs
  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil (in liquid state)


Preheat oven to 450°. Melt the lard in a rectangle casserole dish in the heating oven. In a large bowl, stir the cornmeal, salt and baking soda together . Stir in the eggs and buttermilk. Remove the casserole dish from the oven and pour the batter into it, stirring the melted lard into the batter. Bake for 30-40 minutes. Cut into squares and serve with butter.

If you don’t have buttermilk available, you can substitute milk, kefir or even watered down yogurt.

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