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Essential Oils for Insomnia

What is Insomnia?

Essential Oils for Insomnia

photo credit: MoonSoleil via photopin cc

Insomnia is the clinical term for difficulty falling or staying asleep.  It can be triggered by a variety of issues, such as stress, drug or alcohol use, anxiety, or depression.  It is often a symptom of an underlying physical or psychological condition.  Thankfully many essential oils have sedative and relaxing properties that can help relieve insomnia.

Essential Oils for Insomnia

  • Lavender
  • Wild Orange
  • Serenity Blend
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Cypress
  • Ylang-ylang
  • Citrus Bliss Blend
  • Marjoram
  • Lemon
  • Rosemary
  • Sandalwood
  • Clary Sage
  • Bergamot
  • Frankincense
  • Geranium
  • Vetiver

Using Essential Oils for Insomnia


  • Diffuse the desired essential oil(s) into the air.
  • Dissolve 3 drops essential 0il(s)  in 1 teaspoon pure grain alcohol (such as vodka) and combine in a 2 ounce spray bottle.  Top off with distilled water.  Shake well and spray into the air or onto bedding.


  • Dilute essential oil(s) as recommended and apply 1-2 drops onto bottoms of feet, back of neck, legs, and arms.

Suggested Protocols

  • Combine 6 drops Citrus Bliss or Wild Orange with 6 drops of Lavender.  Apply to big toes, bottoms of feet, around the navel, and back of neck at bedtime.
  • Combine 2 drops Roman Chamomile, 6 drops geranium, 3 drops lemon, and 4 drops sandalwood.    Add 6 drops to a warm bath at bedtime and then combine 5 drops with 2 teaspoons Fractionated Coconut Oil for a massage after the bath.
  • Take 1-3 drops of Clary Sage under the tongue at bedtime.
  • Massage Serenity Blend or Lavender onto the bottoms of feet at bedtime.
  • Mix together 9 drops Marjoram, 8 drops Vetiver, 14 drops Lemon into a roller bottle, top off with Fractionated Coconut Oil.  Roll onto the back, back of neck, and bottoms of feet at bedtime.
  • Mix together 15 drops Clary Sage, 10 Drops Vetiver, and 15 drops Lavender.  Add 3 drops to a warm bath at bedtime and then combine 2 drops with 1 teaspoonsFractionated Coconut Oil for a massage after the bath.
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Essential Oils for Acne

What is Acne?

Essential Oils for AcneAcne is a skin condition that generally affects the face, but can also affect other oil producing areas of the body, such as the chest, back, upper arms, and back of neck.  It is generally found in adolescents and young adults, but can also be found in adults of any age.  Acne is distinguished by it’s red, irritating blemishes (pimples.  Acne is cause by a blockage of the skin’s pores by dead skin cells, tiny hairs, and oil secreted by the sebaceous glands.  This blockage occurs deep in the skin.  It is not cause by dirt or by eating certain foods.  Over cleansing/scrubbing may actually make it worse.  Over production of oil from the sebaceous glands can often be traced back to a hormonal imbalance.  Thankfully, most forms of acne can be helped or corrected through a healthy diet and through the use of essential oils.

Essential Oils for Acne

I would also suggest using doTERRA’s Clear Skin Foaming Face Wash

Using Essential Oils for Acne

Basic care:


  • For a Mask – In a small jar, mix together 2 ounces of Green Clay and 3 teaspoons Corn Flour.  To apply the mask, mix together 1 tablespoon of the mask powder, 1 teaspoon water, 1 drop Roman Chamomile, 1 drop Lavender, and 1 drop Patchouli.  Spread over face, avoiding eyes, and leave on for 15 minutes.  Rinse well.
  • For Facial Steam – in a cup of hot water, add 1 drop each of Roman Chamomile, Clary Sage, Thyme, and Lavender.  Place a towel over you head and steam face for 10 minutes.  Pat dry.
  • For Facial Spritzer – Put 10 drops Melaleuca in a 1-2 ounce spray bottle and fill with water.  Spray on area several times per day (close eyes!).

Dilled Cabbage Salad {THM Light S Recipe}

dilled cabbage saladWell, I’ve gone and done it!  I’ve jumped on the Trim Healthy Mama bandwagon.  I’ve been hearing such good things about Trim Healthy Mama, that I had to check it out.  I’m still in the process of reading the book, and I’ll write a review of it when I finally get it done.  But for now, I’m just plugging along with it.  It’s a REALLY long book with lots of information to get through.  From what I’ve read so far, the Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle can very easily work with whole/real/traditional food choices, which makes it nice because I don’t have to add anything that I don’t feel right about eating.  Anyway, I am just absolutely LOVING this book and the recipes that I’ve tried so far have been delish.  While I love the recipes, I want to be sure and modify my family’s favorite recipes to fit into the THM lifestyle.  I’ve been trying to make my lunches THM friendly this week and yesterday I created a new Dilled Cabbage Salad that I really loved!  It mixes two of my favorite things–THM AND doTERRA essential oils!  WOOT for me!  The recipe below uses the Dill Essential Oil that can be found in the Summer Splash kit that contains Dill, Basil, Spearmint, and Tangerine essential oils. If you don’t have dill essential oil, you can always use fresh or dried dill. We are BIG cabbage eaters around here because it’s so inexpensive and I find it much more filling than lettuce.  I served this with a skinless, boneless chicken breast that I cooked on the George Foreman grill.  It was a very filling and satisfying meal and oh so healthy!  So watch for updates each week for how I’m doing with the THM diet.  Now on to the recipe!


Linking With: Wow Me Wednesday #102, Wow Us Wednesdays #123, Cast Party Wednesday #96, Inspire Me Wednesday {Issue 33}, Whimsy Wednesdays 68, Rock ‘N Share #46, Wonderful Food Wednesday- #42, Show & Share Wednesday #42, Wow Us Wednesday, Down Home Blog Hop~Number 42, WFMW, Real Food Wednesday 6/19/2013, Homemaking Link-Up!, ‘Encourage One Another’ Link-Up #91, Allergy-Free Wednesdays, Wildcrafting Wednesday, Ninety-Three, Wise Woman Linkup!, Trim Healthy Tuesday


Essential Oils for ADD/ADHD/Hyperactivity

What is ADD/ADHD/Hyperactivity?

ADD ADHD HyperactivityADD/ADHD/Hyperactivity (Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit-Hyperactive Disorder) is a neurbehavioral condition that impacts a person’s ability to focus or concentrate.  With hyperactivity, the person may be restless, chattering, full of energy, and constantly moving.  About 3-5% of American children are diagnosed with ADD/ADHD every year.  Some believe that this is often misdiagnosed or over diagnosed, especially in boys.  Often, with boys especially, hyperactivity is the main issue.  They may have no attention issues at all, but simply must keep moving.  This is disruptive to other and can be tiring for Mom and Dad.  As a stay-at-home/homeschooling Mom of a hyperactive boy, I can testify how exhausting raising hyperactive children can be.  My son is hyperactive and by the end of the day I am often exhausted just from the constant chatter and movement.  But he has no issues with concentration or staying focused.  ADD/ADHD is commonly diagnosed in childhood, but symptoms can continue into adulthood.  Thankfully many of the symptoms can be helped by essential oils.  I personally use the Peaceful Child Blend below to help control my son’s hyperactivity and have been absolutely AMAZED at how well it works!  I keep it on hand at all times in a roller ball and have him apply it to his feet multiple times per day.  That’s all he needs to settle down the hyperactivity.

Essential Oils for ADD/ADHD/Hyperactivity

Below is a list of commonly used essential oils for ADD/ADHD/Hyperactivity:

Using Essential Oils for ADD/ADHD/Hyperactivity

  • Peaceful Child Blend -In an empty bottle mix together the following essential oils: 30 drops Lavender, 85 drops Vetiver, 30 drops Ylang Ylang, 20 drops Frankincense, 15-17 drops Clary Sage, 10 drops Marjoram, and 35 drops fractionated coconut oil. Apply 1-3 drops on the bottoms of feet and/or on the spine. This is the blend I use to control my son’s hyperactivity.  I make up a double or triple batch in a 15 mL bottle and then refill a roller bottle as needed.  This blend was created by Deborah Dushku Gardner and you can purchase it from her already made up if you don’t want to purchase all the oils individually.
  • Jeddy’s Blend – in a roller bottle, add 35 drops Balance Blend, 15 drops Patchouli, 30 drops Serenity Blend, 50 drops Lavender, 15 drops Vetiver, 75 drops of fractionated coconut oil.  Apply 1-3 drops on the bottoms of feet and/or on the spine.  I have personally tried this blend and it did not work well for us at all.  The Peaceful Child Blend worked MUCH better.  But I know many people have had success with this blend, so I included it.  Jeddy’s Blend was created by Dori O’Dell and you can purchase it from her already made up if you don’t want to purchase all the oils individually.
  • Diffuse oil(s) or blend(s) into the air with a diffuser to help calm, relax, and help with concentration.  Serenity Blend is a great choice for this.
  • Apply 1-2 drops Balance Blend on the bottoms of feet.  I actually put my Balance Blend in a roller bottle and use that to make it easier to apply.  I use it along with Peaceful Child Blend for my son.
  • Dilute oil(s) as recommended and apply 1-2 drops to back of neck, temples, chest, shoulders, back, and/or reflex points of feet.
  • Place 1-2 drops of oil(s) in 1 Tablespoon fractionated coconut oil and massage onto back, shoulders, neck, or arms.
  • Combine equal parts of Lavender and Basil and apply 1-3 drops on the crown of the head.

Linking With: Brag About It | Tuesday Link Party | No. 9, Titus 2 Tuesday–Linky Party #56, You’re Gonna Love It – Week 59, The Gathering Spot # 57, Tuesday Link up Party, Titus 2sday Link-Up Party!, Domestically Divine Tuesday Link-Up, Teach Me Tuesday | Homemaking Link-Up #99, Living Green Tuesdays Link-Up #45, Making a Home – Homemaking Linky


Focus on the Oils: AromaTouch Massage Essential Oil Blend

About AromaTouch Massage Essential Oil Blend

AromaTouchAromaTouch Massage Essential Oil Blend is a blend of Basil, Cypress, Grapefruit, Lavender, Marjoram, and Peppermint.  These oils were selected specifically for their qualities of relaxation, calming, and alleviation of muscle tension.  They are also know to relieve irritated tissue and increase circulation.  AromaTouch is anti-inflammatory on soft tissues and heightens all facets of massage.

AromaTouch Application and Properties

AromaTouchAromaTouch is designed for Topical Use.  It is recommended for tired, sore muscles.  It may be used “neat” (undiluted) or you may dilute it with Fractionated Coconut Oil for a full body massage.  It may also be healthful when mixed with bathwater.  The oils in AromaTouch are also effective for problems related to the Respiratory System, Cardiovascular System, and to the Muscle and Bones.

Aroma Touch is Helpful With

AromaTouchSome of the common uses for AromaTouch are:

  • Muscle relaxation
  • Calming tension
  • Soothing irritated tissue
  • Increasing circulation
  • Soothing skin
  • Toning skin
  • Calming anxiety
  • For use in massage or the AromaTouch Technique and the Aroma Touch Hand Massage
  • Soothing muscle aches and pains
  • Helping with symptoms from muscular dystrophy

Aroma Touch Testimonials

“I was having trouble with my a “burning, numb” feeling between my belly button and surgical incision. The Aroma Touch was the only thing that helped with it.” –Tammy Scott

“I Love Aroma Touch. I use it in the evening to relax. Just rub a drop on the back of my neck as well as the bottoms of my feet.  I also used aroma touch when my muscles were sore from working in the garden. Such a relaxing oil blend!”  –Michelle Hildebrand McVaney

“Used in combination with the Aroma Touch Technique, it relaxed my husband and soothed his sore muscles. Applied alone it reduced anesthesia pains in my shoulder.”  –Melissa Garcia-Webb

“knots in shoulders” –Amy Lyn Widmer


Kicking Deodorant to the Curb {His & Hers Homemade Deodorant}

Why I use Homemade Deodorant

Homemade DeodorantI’ve been using my own homemade deodorant for several years now.  I made the change because my family has a family history of both Breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s.  Both my Mom and Aunt Jan had Breast Cancer and my husband’s mother passed away from early onset Alzheimer’s.  There are two ingredients that can be found in nearly all commercial antiperspirants and deodorants that concern me the most.  Both have been linked to Breast Cancer and one have been linked to Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders.  So, just what are these two ingredients?  Let me tell you, they are Aluminum and Parabens.  Let’s take a look at these two common ingredients found in most commercial antiperspirants and deodorants.


Aluminum has been linked to both Breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s.  Typically Aluminum is found in antiperspirants.  Antiperspirants work by blocking the pores in your underarm that release sweat.  This is bad, because they block one of the ways your body naturally detoxifies itself.  Toxins in your body are released via your sweat. A 2001 study showed that Aluminum can stay in your blood for a long period of time.  In the study, one application was made in the armpit and blood samples still showed traces of it 15 days AFTER the one application!  Aluminum was first recognized as a neurotixin in 1886, so it has been known to cause damage to the nerves and nerve tissue for a LONG time.  It has been linked to Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders.  Autopsies done on the brains of people that died from Alzheimer’s have shown increased levels of aluminum compared to people who died from other causes–it’s some really nasty stuff and is used for all sorts of things we use everyday (besides antiperspirants), such as cooking pan, soda cans, and much more.

Aluminum has not only been linked to Alzheimer’s, but studies indicate that it can mimic estrogen in the body which may lead to Breast Cancer.  Our armpits and the surrounding area are full of lymph nodes, so do you honestly want to put something there that may cause an estrogen imbalance and the chance of Breast Cancer tumors forming?


Parabens are chemicals that work as preservatives in antiperspirants, deodorants, and other personal care products.  Studies have show that Parabens mimic estrogen in the body.  This is important to consider, because 80% of all Breast Cancer tumors are linked to estrogen!  High concentration of Parabens have been found in areas where Breast Cancer Tumors have been removed.  One study showed 99% of Breast Cancer tissue samples contained Parabens!  This is scary stuff people!


While there is no concrete proof that the Aluminum and Parabens found in antiperspirants and deodorants are a cause of Alzheimer’s or Breast Cancer, there is enough evidence to convince me to discontinue their use.  Which is why I stared using my own, homemade deodorant.  While it won’t stop you from sweating (which you shouldn’t want anyway), it does reduce the sweating.  But most important is stops the stink!  Even here in hot and humid Texas it works great!  It controlled stink in even the hottest weather and kept me dry in moderate high temperatures.  We love it!

His & Hers Homemade Deodorant

My original recipe was scented with Lavender essential oil, which was fine for me, but my fellas we’re too thrilled to smell like a Lavender garden.  So I developed a separate scent formula for my men.  Below is my basic “recipe” for homemade deodorant and my scent blends.


Linking With: Show and Tell Friday, Oh What a HAPPY Day Link Party, It’s a Party #110, Favorite Friday Party #28, My Pity Party, Flaunt it Friday #158, Freedom Fridays #58, Happy Hour Friday 06.14, I ♥ Fridays Link Party, {Keep Calm & Link Up #45}, Weekend Wonders #44, Shine on Friday, Inspire Me Please Weekend Blog Hop #15, Inspire Me Fridays 107, Weekend Bloggy Reading


Essential Oils for Dry Chapped Skin

Essential Oils for Dry Chapped Skin

What Causes Dry Chapped Skin?

Dry chapped skin is caused by the depletion of sebum (natural oils) in the skin.  This depletion leads to the skin becoming dehydrated.  Common causes include exposure to cold, exposure to wind, repeated contact with soap, repeated contact with chemicals, or the lack of fatty acids in the body.  When treating dry chapped skin, you need to consider the rook cause of the problem.  Often our diet can effect our skin, leading to dry chapped skin.  In those cases, we need to work toward a more balanced diet to help repair and correct any skin issues.  Skin hygiene and maintenance is also an important factor to consider when it comes to healthy skin.

Essential Oils for Dry Chapped Skin

Below is a list of commonly used essential oils for dry chapped skin:

I would also suggest using the following products to help with dry chapped skin:

Using Essential Oils for Dry Chapped Skin

As always, if you apply oils to your lips or internally, PLEASE make sure that they are safe for internal use.  dōTERRA is one of the few essential oils companies that offers essential oils that are pure enough for internal use and have been approved by the FDA for internal use.

Linking With: Simple Lives Thursday #151, Blog Stalking Thursday #97, Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 92, live laugh linky #65, Wildly Original link party #56, Great Idea Thursday’s – 10, Green Living Thursdays! #6, Thriving on Thursdays – Linky Party # 71, From House to Home {Link Party}, Natural Living Link-up #74, hearts for home #95


Essential Oils for Uterine Fibroids

What are Uterine Fibroids?

Essential Oils for Uterine FibroidsUterine Fibroids are noncancerous tumors that are found on the muscle and connective tissue of the uterus.  While the cause of these tumors is not truly known, it is suspected to be linked to estrogen dominance, a hormonal imbalance.  Uterine fibroids occur in the majority of women, but often go undetected because they are very small and do not cause any symptoms.  They typically develop during the child bearing years.  Symptoms include heavy menstrual bleeding and/or menstrual discomfort.  Uterine fibroids can be very painful and may also affect a woman’s fertility and her ability to get pregnant.  Uterine fibroids may also occur with perimenopausal women.  It is generally believed that hormonal imbalances (estrogen dominance) during perimenopause can aggravate the problem and cause more painful and heavy periods  Very seldom are uterine fibroids a factor in uterine cancer.  They also do not become cancerous tumors.  It is also suspected that uterine fibroids and candida have a direct correlation, so treating you candida is highly recommended.

Essential Oils for Uterine Fibroids

Essential Oils for Uterine Fibroids

Below is a list of commonly used essential oils for uterine fibroids:

I would also suggest using the following supplements to help with uterine fibroids and candida:

  • Lifelong Vitality Supplements –  A set of 3 supplents that include: Microplex VMz®, Alpha CRS®+, and xEO Mega. Ask me how you can get these 3 supplements at a GREATLY reduced price when purchased together (Lifelong Vitality Pack) using the Loyalty Rewards Program!
  • GX Assist Supplements -GI Cleansing Formula – GX Assist is a combination of certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils of oregano, melaleuca, lemon, lemongrass, peppermint and thyme and caprylic acid that helps support a healthy digestive tract by creating an unfriendly environment for potentially harmful pathogens that can disrupt digestive immunities and cause digestive upset.  GX Assist is formulated to be used for 10 days as a preparatory cleansing step before using PB Assist + Probiotic Defense Formula.
  • PB Assist + Supplements – Probiotic Defense Formula – PB Assist + is a propietary formula of pre-biotic fiber and six strains of probiotic microorganisms in a unique double -layer vegetable capsule.  It delivers 5 billion CFUs of active probiotic cultures and soluable pre-biotic FOS (fructo-oligosaccarides) that encourage culture adhesion and growth.  The time-release double capsule delivery system protects sensitive probiotic cultures form stomach acid.  PB Assist + supports healthy digestive functions and immunities and is safe for use by all members of your family.

Using Essential Oils for Uterine Fibroids

  • Take 2-3 drops of Frankincense under the tongue or internally by Veggie Cap every morning and evening.
  • Do a candida cleanse using GX Assist and PB Assist +.
  • Place 6-8 drops of Frankincense on the end of an organic cotton tampon and insert overnight.
  • Place 6-8 drops of Frankincense in a Veggie Cap and fill remainder with Fractionated Coconut Oil.  Insert vaginally at bedtime.
  • For Pain  and discomfort, take 8-12 drops of Sandalwood internally in a Veggie Cap at the start of symptoms.  Then on second day take 6-8 drops of Sandalwood in a Veggie Cap.
  • For pain and discomfort, apply 2-4 drops each of Cypress and Rosemary topically onto abdomen, then apply a warm compress on the abdomen.
    • Warm Compress How-To: Fill a wash basin with 2 quarts warm water.   After the towel is completely saturated, wring out the excess water.  Place the towel over the area.  Cover with a piece of plastic wrap and another towel on top.  Leave for as long as possible, 1-2 hours is best.
  • Apply 4-8 drops Bergamot topically to the abdomen to help ease cramps.

Linking With: The Inspiration Board: creative party [106], Brag About It | Tuesday Link Party | No. 8, Let’s Pour Tea Link Up 6/12, You’re Gonna Love It Tuesday – Week 58, Terrific Tuesdays #67, Eco-Kids Tuesday, Welcome to The Scoop…Sensational Summer Ideas Galore!, Titus 2 Tuesday–Linky Party #55, The Gathering Spot # 56, 31 Days of Homemade, Day 22 and Tuesday Link Up Party, Titus 2sday, Domestically Divine Tuesday: Work from Home Business Opportunities, Teach Me Tuesday | Homemaking Link-Up #98, Living Green Tuesdays Link-up #44, Making a Home – Homemaking Linky



Essential Oils for Depression

Essential Oils for Depression

What is Depression

Depression is what is commonly used to describe excessive feelings of sadness, energy loss, feelings of worthlessness, irritableness, sudden weight gain or loss, trouble sleeping,disappointment, helplessness, and a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. Depression often sets in at times of loss or tragedy, personal or family difficulties, or unexpected life changes. The symptoms of depression can last for a few days, weeks, months, and even for years. If long-term depression is not treated, it can destroy the quality of life of the sufferer. In cases of extreme depression it can lead the sufferer to self-harm (such as cutting) and even suicide.

Essential Oils for Depression

Below is a list of commonly used essential oils for depression:

Essential Oils for DepressionI would also highly recommend taking doTERRA’s  supplements: Microplex VMz®, Alpha CRS®+, and xEO Mega. Ask me how you can get these 3 supplements at a GREATLY reduced price when purchased together (Lifelong Vitality Pack) using the Loyalty Rewards Program!

Using Essential Oils for Depression

Diffusion is the most effective method for using essential oils for depression, although topical application may also be effective. For topical application, apply 1-2 drops of your blend of choice to temple or forehead. You can also use it as a massage oil by adding 5-10 drops of your blend of choice to 1 tablespoon of Fractionated Coconut Oil and massage into your skin. Many also find that adding 1-3 drops to warm bathwater and bathing to be effective.

Many people suffering with depression have found the Mood Matrix to be beneficial for helping with their depression symptoms.

Class - Mood Maps

This is a Webinar on Mood Management With Dr. Hill

This is an additional Webinar on the Mood Matrix – Essential oils

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Using Essential Oils for Kidney Infections

Using Essential Oils for Kidney InfectionsUsing essential oils for kidney infections is a natural way to help clear up this uncomfortable infection.

What is a Kidney Infection?

Bacteria entering the urinary tract is the cause of most kidney infections.  The kidneys primary function is to regulate the composition of the blood as it circulates through the body and it removes toxins from the blood.  When your kidneys are not functioning correctly due to infection, serious problems can occur because they are not keeping the toxins out of the blood the way that they should.  If not treated, the infection could spread to other areas of the body through the blood stream.  A kidney infection is generally marked by a fever, abdominal pain, chills, painful urination, dull kidney pain, nausea, vomiting, and a general feeling of discomfort.

Essential Oils for Kidney Infections

Using essential oils for kidney infections, is a natural way to help ease the symptoms.  Below is a list of recommended essential oils to use for kidney infections:

Using Essential Oils for Kidney Infections

Using essential oils for kidney infections – Below are some ways to use essential oils for kidney infections:

Linking With: Titus 2 Tuesday–Linky Party #54, You’re Gonna Love It – Week 57, Tell Me Tuesday!, The Gathering Spot # 55, Tuesday Greens #34, Tuesday Link Up Party,