Essential Traditions/Real Food Real Frugal

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Why I Chose dōTERRA

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHello friends!  My name is Susan Godfrey and Essential Traditions is where I share about my dōTERRA business and talk about all the really wonderful reasons to use dōTERRA Essential Oils.  I’m really passionate about health and wellness using essential oils and I truly do believe that they are a more natural choice for wellness.


Modern medical care is expensive!
Photo Credit: diekatrin

How many of y’all are frustrated with modern medicine?  I know I am!  Medical care is expensive.  First you go to your family doctor, he may want to run some tests, and then  you leave the office with a prescription and you wallet a lot lighter.  Sound familiar?  Yeah, it does to me too.  It’s like an awful merry-go-round.  You take a prescription to help with this problem and then you have to take over-the-counter medicines to counter-act the side effects.  I WANTED OFF!  So, decided to take control of my family’s health care needs as much as I possibly could with essential oils.  You know what?  I’m saving a bundle!  Does that mean that we never go to the doctor?  Nope!  If the condition does not improve with natural sources then I won’t hesitate to see a doctor and if the situation warrants it, a trip to the ER.  But no longer am I going to the doctor for every fever, cough, or sneeze.

Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are designed to treat symptoms and often just end up masking them.  All drugs have side effects and if they are misused they can have devastating effects.  Have you ever paid attention to the commercials on TV for the newest prescription medications?  Some of the know side effects they mention are often scarier than the disease/symptoms they are suppose to treat!

Food is medicine!

Food is medicine!
Photo Credit: AndyRobertsPhoto

I treat food as a medicine and have made changes in our diet to reflect that.  What we eat is our first line of defense against illness.  Truly!  But, when illness comes on, I am finding that my main source of home health care centers around dōTERRA essential oils–even before herbal remedies.  Why?  Because essential oils are 50 to 70 times more effective.   Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in plants.   I find that essential oils work much more quickly than herbs do because they are so concentrated.  They certainly work more quickly than conventional medicine because they enter the bloodstream within thirty seconds.  Essential oils can be used safely without the harmful side effects.  They kill bacteria and inhibit the growth of viruses, as well as being naturally antibiotic and have the ability to kill bacteria.  What’s even more amazing is that essential oils can penetrate the outer membrane of cell walls which means that they can work against viruses.

Think about it.  Where is the last place  you want to take your children when there’s a flu epidemic, viral stomach bug, or virus going around?  For me, that’s the doctor’s office or the hospital!  The waiting room is filled with sick folks—a prime way to catch what you don’t want in the first place!  To top it off, many times the doctor can’t really do anything but treat the symptoms or tell you to rest and drink plenty of fluids.  You can do that at home!  Unless an illness does not improve, or it’s a true emergency, most of your family’s health care can be done at home.  Now don’t get me wrong, you should go to the doctor or hospital if it’s a true emergency or if an illness does not improve in a couple of days or gets worse.  But, we should all be proactive about our family’s health.


The average American spends over $3,000 per year on medical care.
Photo Credit:

Essential oils are also cheaper than going to the doctor, having tests run, and then going to the pharmacy to fill a prescription.  The average American spends over $3,000 per year on medical care!  That’s just for minor things like doctor visits, routine tests, and prescriptions.  That doesn’t even begin to cover all the over-the-counter medications that we –that adds a minimum of  nearly $200 additional dollars.  That’s a LOT of money!  Essential oils are MUCH cheaper than that.  You can purchase a Family Physician Kit from dōTERRA for a fraction of that cost!  It’s only $166.67 and contains ten of the most useful essential oils and essential oil blends that a parent needs on a daily basis to take care of their families.  Also because you only have to use a tiny bit of the oil in most instances, a bottle can last a long time.  Not to mention the shelf life of pure essential oils, which is FAR longer than any OTC or prescription drug.

Think about it.  What are your top three health concerns for you and your family?  How long have you been effected by these concerns?  How would you rather treat those concerns?  With conventional medicine–and it’s associated side effects or with a natural medicine?  There are so many ways to learn how to treat and prevent illness using essential oils.  Below are some books that I recommend to help get you started.  These are some of my favorite go-to books for the use of essential oils.

Modern Essentials

Modern Essentials

  • Modern Essentials *4th Edition* a Contemporary Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils – This is one of my FAVORITE essential oil books.  It has quickly become my go-to guide for using essential oils.  It’s a wonderful hardback book that has an A-Z listing of every disease, symptom, and illness that I can think of.  It’s 282 pages long and is a very invaluable resource for anyone wanting to learn more about taking control of their family’s health using essential oils.  One notice, this book is geared towards dōTERRAEssential Oils.  When it mentions blends, it only refers to dōTERRA‘s proprietary blends, but CAN be used successfully for other brands when referring to the individual essential oils.
  • Modern Essential Usage Guide, A Quick Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils (The Mini Edition) – This is the same book as above, only the pocket edition.  This book contains the Personal Usage Guide section with commonly used oils and application methods, along with the Science and Application section, containing detailed information on the history, science, and proper application of essential oils—with detailed instruction on how to perform the AromaTouch™ Technique.   This book, though is perfect for keeping with your oils for on the go.  It’s smaller, and lighter so it can go everywhere and is perfect for travel.

logo120034As for what brand of essential oils to purchase, well that’s a very personal choice.  After much research, I have chosen to use dōTERRA Essential Oils.  I was so impressed with them, that I also decided to become a distributor.  I chose dōTERRA Essential Oils because it is 100% pure essential oil.  Not all essential oils are equal.  In the case of essential oils, the old adage is true–You get what you pay for.  Many of the lower priced essential oils are full of toxic and harmful chemicals.  To understand why this is, you have to learn about the different grades of essential oils.

  • The lowest grade essential oils are SYNTHETIC ESSENTIAL OILS and produced in labs.  These are low quality and are often used in perfumes and for scenting products.
  • Then next are FOOD GRADE ESSENTIAL OILS.  These are used to flavor foods, candy, and gums.
  • The next grade is THERAPEUTIC GRADE ESSENTIAL OILS.  This is the industry standard for the last 3o years.  These are the essential oils that you find in most health food stores and online.  The problem with these essential oils is that there is no regulations enforcing quality, so you don’t really know what you are getting or what they may contain.  Even if they say 100% pure they still may be diluted or could be contaminated by pesticides.


  • The final grade is CERTIFIED PURE THERAPUTIC GRADE ESSENTIAL OIL.  In order to be certified pure, it has to come from the country or region where the plant indigenously growns.  Each liter of oil goes through extensive testing by a third party.  This ensures that each oils is free of impurities, pesticides, fillers, or any other contaminates.  Certified Pure Theraputic Grade goes beyond organic.  The only brand that I could find on the market that is Certified Pure Theraputic Grade essential oil is dōTERRA’s Essential Oils.

So, whatever essential oil brand you decide on, do you research first.  Don’t just make a decision based on price.

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