Essential Traditions/Real Food Real Frugal

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I’m back

on March 11, 2008

Sorry, I didn’t mean to drop off the face of the earth like that! LOL! It has been a bit crazy here. My computer has been acting up horribly. This weekend, I finally decided to save everything off of it that I needed and just go head and restore it to factory. It seems to be working better now, but it’s been a slow process of getting everything added back on to it that I need. I think the real problem is that my computer is just not what I need for graphic designs…it’s just not fast enough processing graphics and so my graphics programs run REALLY slow, Marty say’s I’ll probably end up frying my hard drive..LOL! I’ve been told that I need a “gaming computer with 4 quad”, but we just can’t afford it right now (nearly $2,000!!).

Homeschool is going good and we’re all doing well. I’m going crazy with this weather. First it’s all sunny and warm and then it’s cold. It keeps flip-flopping and it’s driving my sinuses crazy! I need to get my sewing stared again. I need to make me a few things for the warmer months, as well as some shorts for the kids. Not to mention the quilted wall hanging that’s all cut out and waiting for me to put together!

Well, I’d better get off of here and back to work. Have a great day eveyone!!