Essential Traditions/Real Food Real Frugal

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Weekend Update

on April 28, 2008

We had a pretty busy weekend. Friday, we went to the feed store and bought 6 americana chicks. They were nearly out of chicks, or we would have bought more. I guess we’ll just have to mail order some from Ideal. We cam home and Colt got them all set up in the brooder. We als0 stopped at a couple of garage sales, there wasn’t much, but I got several skeins of cotton yarn (with 2 crochet hooks), “First Steps in the Bible” by Ruth Graham Dienert (looks like a family devotional book), and a plastic shoe box full of little booklets about natural health/herbs/nutrition. I also found a cute skirt with sunflowers all over it and a bunch of underwear for Riley (NEW!!). I spent a whopping $7.

I also finished up an apron I’ve been working on….


Have any of you bought one of the new digital conversion boxes for your TVs? We bought one on Friday and I can’t believe the difference. We live in the boonies and don’t pick up TV channels really clearly. With this thing we’re pickig up channels crystal clear, plus there are some new channels you can only get using the digital box…including a great PBS channel called “Create”. It shows all those home improvement, cooking, and hobby shows….I could watch it all day!! (But I won’t! HEHEHE). It is a big improvement over the reception we use to get from bunny ears!

Saturday, Marty had to work, so we visited a couple more garage sales. One garage sale had a deal where you could fill up a plastic grocery sack for $3. So I stuffed it full with 2 tubular pyrex bread pans, a wash board, drafting lead, and drafting pens.



This is what the bread pans look like. I thought it would be a fun way to bake bread 🙂 Plus, the price was right, since I paid $3 for both of them and the other things in the bag.

Colt put in the new starter for the Jeep…


Riley played with his new toy tools….


I modeled my new blouse that Marty bought me as a late birthday present…


Riley modeled his new shoes we bought at the Children’s Place outlet. They were on sale for $12 and they had another sale where you got 50% off all sale prices, so we got them for $6! Aren’t they cute!


Saturday night, we watched a REALLY good movie. It’s called “The Ultimate Gift”. I can HIGHLY recommend this movie. It has Drew Fuller, Bill Cobbs, Abigail Breslin, Brian Dennehy and James Garner. It’s about this young man who come from a wealthy family, he’s a bit spoiled and walks around life as if it’s just a big party (funded by his wealth). His grandfather dies and leaves him 12 “gifts”….tasks that challenge him to become a better person. It’s rated PG and is one of the “Fox Faith” movies. Anyway, this was an excellent movie that I can’t recommend enough! Marty thought this was one of the best movies he’s seen in a LONG time. It’s based on the book of the same name by Jim Stovall. We got it at Walmart for $13.

Now I’m going to try to find the book, when I get some extra money 🙂

Last weekend, we also watched another good movie. It was a Hallmark movie called “Thicker Than Water”. It had Melissa Gilbert and Lindsay Wagner. Melissa Gilbert finds out that her father (a wealthy judge) was married to a rodeo queen before he married her mother and discovers that she may have a sister (Lindsay Wagner). She helps her sister save some wild horses, learns about herself, and finds love. It was touching movie that was really enjoyable (even Marty liked it!). I got it at Walmart out of the $5 bin.

Sunday, Marty took a nice long nap (he had to work a ton of overtime this past week and he was TIRED!). While he was napping I made me a new blouse….


Then Sunday night we settle down to watch a little TV, when we saw a bunch of lights shining in our windows from the street. Kind of scared us! We stepped out and it was the Sherrif’s office. Some one had reported our wood fired hot water heater, they thought it was suspicious looking 🙂 I think the sherrif’s got a pretty good chuckle over the whole thing, especially when they saw what it really was! Gave us a good scare though, it was nearly 10 at night and we were getting ready to go to bed!


Well, that was our fun (and a bit exciting) weekend! Today, it’s back to the usual…housekeeping, homeschool and taking care of farm chores! Have a great day everyone!!