Essential Traditions/Real Food Real Frugal

The archives for the old Essential Traditions blog and the old Real Food Real Frugal Blog

It Was Bound to Happen…

The weekend before last, Marty was sick with a fever, sore throat and congestion. We thought that maybe the worst was over and no one else would get sick, when we went an entire week without anyone else getting it. Then Riley started running a fever Saturday evening and ran a fever off and on for the next 2 days. Then last night I started feeling sick at my stomach and my throat was hurting, I woke up this morning to a mild case of it. Then Colt stared running fever and complaining of a sick stomach and sore throat. So, it seems that the bug found us instead of skipping by us. So this is my only post for the day. I’ve been too busy napping and taking care of sickies to post a real update. Please keep us in your prayers!
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Prayers Please

Marilyn Moll’s husband, Duane passed away Sunday. Many of you know Marilyn from her website The Urban Homemaker. Please keep this family in your prayers! You can read more here.
Cards can be mailed to:
The Moll Family
PO Box 72
Paonia, CO 81428.
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Farm Update

I realized that I haven’t posted some pictures from around the farm in a while, so here are some I took today…

these are our boars, Bucket and Packer. Bucket will be going into the freezer. We may be purchasing a sow this weekend, so packer will have a wife (GRIN!). We’re wanting some piglets as soon as possible!! They are just too cute!

Colt & Riley with the pigs

this is Packer, both of the pigs are Blue Butt’s

This is a picture of our chickens we bought in February. They are Cuckoo Marans and Barred Rocks. I’m not sure which is which, as they all look alike! Cuckoo Marans lay really dark brown eggs (many people compair them to chocolate colored) and Barred Rocks lay the normal brown eggs.

This is our wood burning hot water heater. Right now this is our only source of hot water. Marty plans on adding a solar hot water heater to this system so that durning the warmer months we can have hot water without burning wood. The wood system would be back up inc ase we need more hot water than what the solar heater will provide. It’s so nice to have a handy husband! We haven’t had to buy propane in nearly 2 years!

My giant rose bush all covered with roses

A close up of one of the roses

See how huge this rose bush is! When we first moved in, there was a yellow rose bush there, but it died out. The next year this rose bush popped up and every year it gets bigger!

This is the rose bush that grows against Marty’s barn, it was there when we moved in and there’s also a tree growing up next to this barn. It needs to be cut back to give the roses more room. These are much prettier roses than the other one. They are more of a hot pink/red color.

A closer picture of the roses on Marty’s barn.

Well that’s the my little tour for the day (GRIN!). I”m going to lay down with Riley and take a nap. I’ve had a terrible headache all day that just won’t go away. Maybe a little sleep will help. After that, it’s back to laundry and knitting!

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Super Simple Knit Dish Cloth

I haven’t knitted in nearly a year and my friend Kelly (HI KELLY!!) inspired me to start back up again.
She’s been making the cutest dishcloth using patterns from HERE. All I had on hand was verigated cotton yarn, so I decided not to use one of the cute decoraed ones, as the pattern just doesn’t show up well using verigated yarn. So, instead, I just kind of made up my own. Nothing really fancy, just a plain old usable dishcloth. Here’s the instructions on how I created it.

Susan’s Super Simple Dish Cloth

Cast on 41 stitches.

Rows 1-5: k1, p1 all the way across ending with a k1

Row 6 (even rows): k1, p1, k1, p1, knit next 33 stitches (to last 4 stitches) then p1, k1, p1, k1

Row 7 (odd Rows): k1, p1, k1, p1, knit next 33 stitches (to last 4 stitches) then p1, k1, p1, k1

Rows 8-55: Repeat row 6 for all even rows and row 6 for all odd rows.

Rows 55-60: k1, p1 all the way across ending with a k1

Bind off and weave in ends.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes yesterday! I had a nice quiet day and DH was kind enough to fix dinner for me (steaks & potatoes). Well, I’m off to get busy, I have lots of laundry to catch up on!

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39 and Holding…

I can’t believe it, but I’m 39 years old today! I don’t feel that old (at least on most days!). Some may call me brave for doing this (LOL!), but here is a retrospective of photos of me through the years.


The best present I’ve gotten today? Hugs and kisses from by boys!!

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Chicken Wrangling or Fun on the Farm

Yesterday, Marty spent the afternoon getting one of the big chicken tractors ready to put the chicks in. I can’t believe how big they have gotten! We started out with 20 originally (10 barred rock & 10 cuckoo marans), now we’re down to 10. We lost 5 when they were just babies (2 before we even got them home!). Then last week something got into the small chicken tractor they were in and killed 5 more. We think it was the neighbor’s dogs. So we’re down to just 10. We do plan on buying more in the next couple of weeks. Anyway, here are some of the pictures 🙂 You know me, I love posting pictures!!

Marty and Riley adding a screened in place so the chickens can get out of the wind

Riley “helping” Dad work on the chicken tractor.

Chicken tractor turned back over right and a photo of the area Marty added so the chickens would be protected from the weather.

Marty, Colt and Riley catching the chicks and putting them in the pet carrier to transport them to the bigger tractor.

Happy chickens chowing down on their free choice salad bar!

A few days ago, I posted pictures of the first rose on my giant rose bush. Well now it’s COVERED with roses! It looks so pretty!


Tomorrow is my 39th birthday, I sure don’t feel that old! We’re not going to do anything special because we’re broke as ususal…LOL! I think we’ll probably go out to eat or something this coming weekend to celebrate, but it really depends. Marty has a big canoe trip on Saturday and then Sunday we’ll be keeping my nieces. We’ll see what ends up happening. Birthdays around here aren’t such a big deal. We usually only really do for the kids and that is just meeting grandparents for a birthday meal out or something like that.

Well, I need to get busy and do some laundry. Riley’s been running fever the last 2 nights and isn’t feeling super well, he’s getting whatever it was that Marty had a week or so ago. So, as you can tell, I’m busy as usual!

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My Roses are Blooming!

Here are some pictures I took of my roses. They have finally started blooming. In the next couple of weeks, by huge old rose bush will be covered with roses! Everytime I step out the back door, I will be blessed with their fragrance. What a blessing!




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Good Afternoon

Good afternoon everyone! Today has been a totally crazy day! The reason I’ve started cutting back on my extracurricular activites was really driven home to me today. Our electricity was turned off! I was swamped and didn’t put the late notice in the bill folder and I totally forgot to pay it! To make matters worse, we didn’t have the money to pay it right now. I felt like a total dunce! Thankfully, my Mom was kind enough to pay the bill for us so we could get the power turned back on (THANKS MOM & DAD!), we’ll pay her back in the next couple of weeks. I have been letting so many things get in the way of my God ordained job and my priorities have been so messed up the past few months. Thankfully, I’ve realized that and am in the process of getting my priorities straightend out. Please keep me in your prayers, I sure could use them. I don’t know why it’s so easy for me to get my priorities all twisted up, but I’m trying to do better. Does anyone else have this problem?

I’ve been thinking a lot over the past few weeks, and I realized a couple of things. I’m not perfect and for many years I’ve been living a “do as I say, not as I do” sort of life. I have areas of habitual sin in my life that I need to deal with. Dont’ get me wrong, I’m not an ax murderer or anything, but sin is SIN. These habitual areas of sin are holding me back from a real relationship with the Lord and I would love nothing more than to irradicate them from my life. Laziness, gossip, and just a general rebellious attitude are infecting my daily walk and I need lots of prayers in these areas. I’m not reading and studying the Word like I should be, it’s been really months since I’ve read the Bible. I don’t know why I’m such a rebellious creature, but I am….I rebel from doing things that I know are right because I want to do things my way. What a selfish attitude I’ve had! The root of my problems boils down to selfishness…wanting to do what I want, wanting things my way, wanting myself to be comfortable. Wanting people to think only the best about me. I am so far from perfect, but it makes me feel good for people to think I have my act all together. I fall so far from the mark most days, but the Lord is really showing me my sin, my prideful behavior. Please keep me in your prayers, as the Lord is REALLY working on me right not. The potter has my clay in His hands and is doing ALL SORTS of pushing and prodding trying to get me in the form that is pleasing to Him.

Another thing I realized is that I’ve been baptized three times and none of them were for the right reason. I was baptized (sprinkled) as a baby–I didn’t have a choice in this and so it can hardly be counted as a salvation experience. I was baptized (sprinkled) when I first excepted Christ at ten years old. What I realize now about that time was that I did it for the wrong reasons. I believe it was a revival of some sort and my brother accepted Christ the night before and I saw how proud my parents were of him and they made such a big deal about it (which they SHOULD have done, I’m not saying they shouldn’t have…it was a BIG DEAL!). I was jealous and wanted that feeling for myself, so I went down the next night and accepted Christ, without really understanding what I was doing. I’m not even sure that I was truly saved at that time, as I did it for the wrong reasons. My heart really didn’t change. The third time I was baptized, was when I was about 14 or 15 years old and we were joining a Baptist church. To become a member, I had to be baptised, and that was the only reason I was baptized. Again, a baptisim for the wrong reasons. I realized that it was actually many years later that I truly gave my heart to the Lord and have tried to serve him, although I fall ALL THE TIME and have always been dealing with my selfish, sinful behavior and attitude. I realized that I have never been truly baptized for the right reasons! Isn’t that amazing!?! I’ve been talking it over with Marty and we’re both in the same situatation and he would like to baptize me in the Brazos River. Does anyone know if there’s any reason why a husband (my head and priest of our home), should not baptize his family members. Does baptism HAVE to be done by a pastor?? I think it would be a really neat family experience that will show our commitment to the Lord.

Another thing I’ve realized is that I’ve been blown about by the wind as far as my belief are concerned. For example, I read on several blogs and websites about how a Christian woman should wear headcovers, so on goes the headcover. Then I read the opposite and the headcover went off. Rinse and repeat (LOL!). There is definatly a REASON why women should not serve as pastors…they are too emotional and are too easily led astray. Not that I ever believed that the headcover issue was a salvation issue. But I’ve realized that I don’t really know what I should believe and that I can’t always back up what I do believe with Scripture. I’ll never be able to until I really study the Bible. I have read the Bible through cover to cover several times, but I never really studied it, just read it like I would some novel, not always paying the best attention. I know just enough scripture to be dangerous. There are some Bible subjects I have studied, for example the Scripture in Titus 2 talking about how Christian women should live their lives and how they should mentor others. And I know what I’ve been told I should believe and what I learned to believe from my parents and church leaders….I can’t personally back some of it up with scripture, which isn’t going to help me lead anyone to Christ. And maybe I shouldn’t even try until I know what I believe is in fact true. Regardless, I’ve come to realize that I need to study the Scriptures. I need to study to find myself approved, so to speak.

And speaking of leading others to Christ….I’ve realized that I’ve been really wishy washy and politically correct, not wanting to offend anyone by pointing out that SIN is SIN no matter what the SIN is. Not that I think that sin can in any way be excused, I’m VERY opinionated in regards to that (just ask my family…LOL!). Sin is offensive no matter how you look at it and just ignoring it or worrying about offending someone is no excuse for not saying anything. Grow a backbone Susan and SPEAK OUT! If it’s sin, it needs to be brought into the light. Sin is very much like mold…it likes the dark hidden places! Sin, like mold, does not grow well in the light. I’m going to let my light shine!!

So what does all this boil down to? It boils down to the fact that the Lord has called me out for my sin. He’s telling me to put up or shut up. I’m still struggling with this and He’s dragging me along kicking and screaming. I’m so stubborn that it would probaby be easier to just club me unconcious, but that’s not the way the Lord does it. These struggles and ups and downs only serve to strengthen my Faith and refine me as a Christian. God isn’t finished with me yet and I’m so glad that He’s not the type to give up, because if He was he’d given up on me a LOOOONNNNGGGG time ago! THANK YOU LORD!!

I’ve still got a long way to go, so I would really appreciate your prayers and I’m growing and getting right with the Lord in ALL areas of my life.

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I’m so sorry to have been negleting this blog in recent weeks! I have been so busy lately and I got just a bit over my head. Thankfully, I’ve gotten my priorities straight and focusing more on my family than other things. So, I’m back to posting on this blog only (exception is when I post Nourishing Traditions recipes, which also go on my NT blog).

This past weekend we went to visit my brother-in-law’s farm and we all had a great time! They were having their “Farm Days” and a bunch of homeschooling families came out. It was a lot of fun, but REALLY busy!! LOL!! They’re having another one on April 26th, so if anyone is interested in attending, go to to get more info! If you do end up planning to attend, let me know and it would be fun to meet in real life!

While we were down, one of their pigs had piglets! The kids had so much fun with all of them. Riley wanted to smuggle them home with him! He loves visiting Uncle Ben & Sissy because he loves all the animals and just farm life in general (that and lots of cousins his age!).

Here’s some pictures from our visit…

My niece R with one of the piglets

Me and one of the piglets

Riley petting one of the piglets

Riley trying to ride the polar bear…I mean great pyranees. Riley thinks these dogs look like polar bears…hehehe!

One of the litte piglets. Aren’t they DARLING!!

I’m going to be going back in a couple of weeks to keep my nieces, so I’m planning lots of girly fun!

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